Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another roomie to add to the list

Each day we would tip-toe out of our room unsure of her emotional state.  Many mornings we were woken up by Alanis Morissette or Sarah McLachlan droning from the living room stereo and cigarette smoke filled air.  Other days, the sun would shine in our apartment and it seemed as though she'd won the lottery.  Whether a good day or a bad, the sink was always full of dishes, the counter tops covered in grime and the rest of the apartment in similar disarray.  The moment that she left the apartment for a vacation, we (the two of us and the other roommate) proceeded to sweep, scrub and organize the house.  We quickly realized that every nook and cranny of the apartment was filled with "stuff".  And by stuff, we mean paint cans, a motorcycle helmet (pretty sure she didn't own a motorcycle), old broken computer parts, outdated food... the list goes on.  Shortly after the cleaning mania, we celebrated :)

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