About kt

Definitions of WALKABOUT usually include words and phrases like:
"...rite of passage...",  "...spiritual journey...",  "...period of enlightenment...",  "...extended trip or tour...",  "...indefinite amount of time...",  "...nomadic excursion...",  "...walk in a remote region..."

Kristina (K) and Todd (T) met in late 2008.  We fell in love in 2009 and began to entertain the idea of  putting our comfortable lives in idyllic Hawaii on hold and going walkabout.  After months of discussion, we decided to ACTUALLY take the steps to make an extended trip possible.  We sold, donated, or gave up virtually all of our possessions- cars, apartments, furniture, jobs...everything except a 30 kg duffle bag each.

Neither of us has or had any exact goals or expectations for this walkabout but we had some general ideas.  We wanted to "live" wherever we went as opposed to "visit" places and we didn't really want to be anywhere that was too cold (winter clothes are too heavy and take up too much space).  Beyond that, we wanted no restrictions, itineraries or rigid plans.

On June 1st, 2010, with our duffle bags and one-way tickets to New York city, we bid a fond aloha to family and friends to embark on the trip of our lifetimes...