Monday, October 25, 2010

"Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom"

Our skin sucks.  Whether it is from traveling and changing climates, sampling new/different foods, or eating lots of great cheese from Trader Joes (perhaps it's stress!), our skin has not been as clear as model’s skin should be.  So, we recently did some research (as scientists do) and found multiple articles stating that dairy (being a hormone-laden product coming from a hormone infused cow) may affect skin negatively by throwing off a human's natural level of hormones.  We took that information into consideration and decided to test the theory for a month.  That’s right – no dairy for one month.  We started our experiment on October 5th (and again on October 7th- and again on October 10th) and quickly realized how difficult the next month would be.  Giving up dairy is not simply cutting out milk, butter, yogurt, ice cream and cheese.  Apparently, dairy products are in cereals, breads, protein bars and about a million other things you would never think of.  So far, it's been a solid two and a half weeks of absolutely no dairy and neither one of us is gonna get invited to do a Neutrogena ad but abstaining from dairy certainly hasn't hurt us.  We just have to be fairly vigilant especially when eating out.

Today we happened to stumble upon a restaurant called The Chicago Diner.  In our vigilance, we almost dismissed the place as a greasy spoon joint where we would never be able to find anything that our experimental diet would allow.  After another look, we decided to check it out and ended up having one of the best meals we’ve had in Chicago.  We ordered the Rabbit Food Salad, the “Meat” Loaf Dinner, a bowl of Mac & “Cheeze”, a Peppermint Hot Cocoa, and a slice of Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake.

It turns out that the diner is not only “meat free” (as the cocoa cup says) but it is actually vegan, which can usually be translated to "bland" or "unpalatable".  But for the first time in weeks, neither of us missed dairy one little bit.  In fact, the meal was incredible.  Even Kristina could hardly tell that the “cheeze” in the Mac & “Cheeze” was non-dairy.  We will definitely be going back there at least once more before we leave Chicago.  Who'da thought?


Nicole said...

You're feeling my pain! Poor little Joe can't have dairy so it's a challenge to cook for him... Just think how bad it was when I had to be off eggs, soy, AND dairy!!! Best diet ever. :)

Tu Tu said...

Still in Chicago looking for good food? Now you need a facial? You need to get to California!!!! mom