Tuesday, December 7, 2010


December 1st marked six months of traveling and so far we have not even left the United States.  Upon booking our ticket to Lima, Peru, we realized how much there is to do before heading abroad for such an extended period: 
*Get all necessary vaccinations (yellowfever, typhoid, and hepetitis)
*Stock up on Benedryl, bug spray, Imodium, Pepto bismol, and other good drugs
*Send all jewelry and other valuables/shiny things back to Hawaii
*Change our phone plans to the cheapest available plan
*Buy outlet adaptors for our computers and camera
*Say goodbye to friends/family

Last night we said goodbye to the Gruneisens and are nominating them for family of the year!
Brookey serenaded us with a few of her favorite songs and showed her crafting skills to Kristina with jewelry that Tiffany's would be proud of, while Todd and the other MEN (Matty, Matt, and Brendan) compared biceps - Brendan may not have won this year but is the odds-on-favorite for the 2011 contest!  The rest of the evening was hilarious bantering between Milton, Gayle, and the rest of us.  Thanks Mom for the deviled eggs and Matt and Melisa for the taco salad and ginger cookies! 

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