Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Turkey Day

On Thanksgiving morning, we began driving up I-5 to Piedmont for the weekend. About an hour into our drive, our Alamo rental car dashboard lit up like a Christmas Tree! Following instructions from Alamo Roadside Assistance, we drove to the Bakersfield airport National rental car location to exchange the broken car. Upon our arrival, we were told that there were no cars available but that they could offer us the largest street legal Dodge Ram monster truck. That was the good news. The bad news was that those trucks get about 15 miles per gallon. So, we gritted our teeth and accepted the enormous truck in order to make it to Piedmont in time for Turkey dinner. Sixty dollars worth of gas later, we arrived at the Kirby's house where we enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving feast!

At the Piedmont Sells home, we kept warm with evening jacuzzis and and fireside chats (with a little Entourage and Weeds thrown in).  We also got plenty of exercise walking and playing ball with Cali and hitting the YMCA with Jim.
En route to LA, we happily exchanged our gas-guzzler for a more evironmentally friendly sedan and took the 101 instead of the 5 and were rewarded with a clear (and cold) day.

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