Monday, February 28, 2011

Formal-Where in Cape Town

We took a day trip on Saturday to Muizenberg which is a beach town about 45 minutes south of Cape Town.  Within seconds of arriving we were hit by the onshore “sou’easter” winds that were easily 30 miles an hour (and promptly discarded the notion that we might want to live in this area).  So we decided to hop on the metro train and travel to its last stop: Simon’s Town. 
While waiting for the metro train, we got to watch the amazing phenomenon of clouds forming.  You can see it in the photo where the clouds begin at the peak of the mountain.  As the clouds materialized out of thin air, the high speed winds blew them away and more clouds were created in their place.  It was pretty magical to watch.
Simon's Town is a beautiful little town.  We had read about the penguin colony there and were excited to check them out for ourselves!  After some fish and chips at the boat harbor, we walked up the road and followed the signs that said “penguins” to a small beach filled with people.  Some kids pointed us in the right direction and here is what we found:

1 comment:

Richard said...

i wonder what the penguins were thinking??