Friday, June 3, 2011

Arrivederci Antalya- Boun Giorno ITALIA!

We spent our final two days in Turkey working together at a beach resort in a town called Antalya.  Here is a photo of our wonderful "family" including our six year old British daughter, Lucy:
Here we are after we ditched Lucy feeling very five-star:
After two LONG days of work, we said, "Goodbye" to Antalya and began negotiating the convoluted logistics of getting to Florence.  Some of the steps were:
- transfer to Antalya airport
- domestic flight to Istanbul
- rendezvous with our agency driver to pick up bags and money
- international check in, immigration, money exchange
- flight from Istanbul to Bergamo, Italy
- Italian immigration
- bus from Bergamo to Milan Central Station
- train from Milan to Florence
- city bus from Florence train station to our apartment.

We've already hit our Italian stride adjusting with a single night's sleep, arising at 11am.  Maybe we will go take a coffee...

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm so jealous right now - I LOVE Florence!! If you make it to a tiny town called Radicondoli, that's where Mark and I got engaged. :) And I would recommend seeing San Gimignano and Cinque Terre if you have the time! :)