Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Italy Update

Since we have been in Italy, the temperature has been a beautiful 24 degrees C (75ish degrees F).  Today, we got our first taste of summer.  The highest number we saw on the outdoor bank thermometers was 39 degrees C (102 degrees F).  Todd says that he is sure it will get hotter... Kristina thinks she might die.

In just over a week in Milan, a lot has happened.  We have both signed with agencies, Todd with Major, and Kristina with Urban.  Todd booked and did a fashion show near Venice for Henry Cotton.  Kristina booked two weeks showroom for Jimmy Choo in July.  We have each attended various castings, go-sees, etc with some of the freakiest "models" on the planet.  Kristina was nearly kissed by a stranger on the street.  We narrowly escaped being busted on public transport without tickets.  Kristina discovered Nutella and has demolished an entire jar of it in only five days.  We learned that you need swim caps, goggles, slippers, and a million other accoutrements to enter a pool in Italy.

Life in Milan is good.

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