Friday, September 2, 2011

Final Notes from Portugal

A quick sum up of what we've learned from our adventure in Portugal:
1.  Portugal is well known for it's tiles.
2.  Public transportation and signage of such transportation in Lisboa is some of the best we've seen during our travels.
3.  Figs trees grow like weeds and should be imported to Hawaii.
4.  Although toilet paper is specifically named to indicate that it can be flushed down the toilet, some Portuguese toilets/septic tanks apparently lack such capacity.
5.  With the above being true, showers must then be used as a bidet with much care being exercised to ensure that no feces remains in leg hair.  We never would have guessed that to some people in some parts of the world, ass-wiping is considered a luxury.
6.  24-hour train rides with loud Portuguese men should be avoided at all costs.
7.  Digging ditches is really hard work (and should also be avoided), hence the saying "it ain't digging ditches".
8.  Some people consume what they call "pork belly meat" when in fact we would challenge anyone to find more than 2% protein in an entire serving of the stuff.
9.  The architecture and landscapes throughout Portugal are stunning and the "financial crisis" is not as apparent as American media would make it out to be.

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