Monday, October 31, 2011

"book NOW... pay NOW"

While in Phuket, we decided to do the most touristy thing we have done on our entire trip... we shelled out for a package day tour.  For 1,000 BHT or $30 USD (I did some negotiating and got them down from their original price of 1,500 BHT) we spent our day hopping from one "must-see" sight to another.

First, an "air-conditioned minibus" or what we Americans like to call a van picked us up from our hotel and drove us to see the golden reclining Buddha statue in the Buddha Cave:
Outside the cave there were tons of monkeys to play with:
Once our 30 minutes of allotted time at the Buddha Cave was up, we jumped back into the van and headed to Tum Pungchang.  Here, we canoed, bamboo rafted, and walked through some really impressive caves which we were not allowed to photograph.

After a quick stop for Thai food lunch, we traveled to Phang-Nga pier where we boarded a long-tailed boat to carry us to James Bond Island:
We've never actually seen the James Bond movie where the island was shown, The Man With the Golden Gun, so we bought the movie from a dvd vendor here in Phuket and will be educating ourselves once we return to Bangkok.

All in all, the tour was a great deal.  For $30 USD we got lunch, a boat ride, a cave adventure, and saw some sites.  Todd wants me to make sure that I reiterate that "we also got lots of driving around in a van".  But, don't let him fool you... we had fun being tourists.

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