Friday, October 21, 2011

Dinner for two for under $4

The food in Bangkok is insanely good... and cheap!  Unlike so many other countries we've visited, it is actually cheaper to eat out for every meal than it is to buy groceries and cook at home.  And, it's tons of fun to walk the streets and try unfamiliar foods from street vendors whose carts display delicious looking treats and emit mouth watering smells.

For dinner tonight, after the necessary plate of Pad Thai, we took a few dishes to go that looked too good to pass up:
The first was a bag full of salad fixings (lettuce, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, corn, kidney beans, pumpkin, sweet potato, and barley with papaya seed dressing) for 30 BHT or $0.97 USD.
Next was a fried round ball (whose contents we still are unsure of) that was mashed up with ginger bits, peanuts, onions, chili peppers, and other spices and other things served with leaves and cabbage as utensils.  This also cost 30 BHT.
And finally, for dessert, we treated ourselves to sticky rice topped with fresh mango and coconut milk for 60 BHT or $1.94 USD.
All told, for less than $4 USD, there are two very satisfied Americans bedding down in Bangkok tonight.

1 comment:

Richard said...

ahh how well i remember the delight of eating mystery food in thailand:) i was wondering if the flood waters were approaching your area?