Sunday, May 6, 2012

The good, the bad and the painful

Living in the city has it's GOOD parts: any/all kinds of food readily available and almost always very tasty, hole in the wall used book shops, cafe culture, street food, many bike friendly streets, great subway system, clean drinking water, no such thing as jaywalking, fewer in-house creepy crawlies than Hawaii, no Amazon delivery charges for outside the continental US, Trader Joes

it's BAD parts: high number of smokers (more offensive to Kristina than Todd), air dirty enough to cause daily black eye (and other) boogers, street beggars, used items costing more than new ones because they are "vintage", unkempt streets with huge potholes-bad for bikes

and it's VERY PAINFUL parts: constant honking wars, morons trying to show off how many decibels their stereos can reach, young-entitled-morose-existential-hipster students, high number of people/bars/restaurants who do not recycle, women with large handbags who take your arm/leg/hip out as you walk past them, many (but not all) door locks open clockwise and lock counter-clock-wise

These are ongoing lists...  But, all in all, we are enjoying our stint in the city.

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