Sunday, July 15, 2012

A great day to be engaged!

Ta Da!!!!!
Just to be clear- We: a) ARE engaged!  b) did not elope and  c) did not "get a dog" - we're just dog sitting.

And this is how it happened...
After a full day of shoe showroom for Kristina and a quick gym session in mid-town, we walked fourteen blocks to the Magestic Theatre where we had tickets to see A Streetcar Named Desire.
While we don't feel that this is the perfect time (or place) to give our Broadway review, we feel it's worth a quick description.  The actor playing Stanley, Blair Underwood, was fantastic, and the actress playing Blanche, Nicole Ari Parker, was quite good.  However, the actress playing Stella, Daphne Rubin-Vega, was very distracting.  We couldn't decided which was worse... her inability to overcome her Latina accent while trying to play a "southern belle" or the inability of her plastic surgeons to overcome her other shortcomings.  Whatever the case, Todd found it excruciating every moment that she was on stage, which unfortunately, is a large portion of the play.  As far as Kristina was concerned, Stanley's performance more than made up for it!
After a couple of photo-ops, we hustled to Ruby Woo's, where we were (as it turns out!) denied our dinner reservation because the restaurant is run by a bunch of luddites.  We made the trek instead to our favorite spot in the E. Village, Ippudo, where we enjoyed bowls of ramen, spicy tofu, and sake.
When we got home, we took Bob for a quick walk and then I cuddled with him on his bed to make up for leaving him at home.  Next thing I knew, Todd was next to us, down on one knee with a square black box in his hand asking me to marry him (with Bob as our witness).  Due to the fragility of Todd's knees, the moment didn't last long and since I was quite shocked by the whole thing, he politely asked me to put the ring on so he could get up.  We popped some champagne, made the appropriate calls/texts/emails, and unintentionally watched the sun rise.  For the record, the engagement date will go down as Saturday the 14th of August, 2012 (not Friday the 13th!)

Now that we've had a few days to bask in it, we plan to continue basking- for a while.  And, until further notice, our only answer to the "when" question is... "not today".


Anonymous said...
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Richard said...

well it's about time :) i'm so happy for you. now get back so we can play volleyball!!