Monday, July 2, 2012

Meet Bob

Instead of enduring another moment of crazy, we moved out of our LES apartment and into a Brooklyn studio where we are now responsible for a 4-legged, 60 lb mass of muscle, jaws and energy, known as Bob.
His favorite game is tug-o-war, which Todd never lets him win.  And, in fact, he is certain that every noise or action is an invitation to play tug-o-war.  While engaged in the game, he sounds VERY ferocious.  His meals consist of nearly a pound of raw beef mixed with another pound of brown rice topped with flax seed oil.  Although he is very burly, his feet are quite sensitive, and with the heat wave, he can be seen treading swiftly and gingerly (like a ballerina) between shady spots.  And, since Todd is such a push-over, Bob's new favorite sleeping spot, is across most of our bed.  We love Bob.

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