Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Up, down and OUTTA HERE!

Vietnam has been a crazy slew of emotions.  There have been incredible highs and very frustrating lows.  

I just had to stop writing for a minute to make sure that Todd didn't get in a fist-a-cuffs or get arrested for simultaneously hammering the receptionist at the bus company for their shuttle never showing up and verbally (and quite possibly physically) abusing some vultures for attempting to grab me and take me somewhere for reasons we can only assume include prying money from my wallet.  We have reached our tolerance limit and are happily leaving this country.  P.s.  Todd did not get arrested, nor did he punch anyone... yet.

Later the same day...  
After a 3.5 hour bus ride (during which a man tried to steal Todd's water bottle from between his legs and Todd nearly broke his arm) and a 45 minute taxi ride in ridiculous traffic, we are now sitting at our gate at the airport waiting patiently for our flight back to Bangkok.  We were actually supposed to stay in Vietnam for four more days, but we have had enough.  We paid the change fee and fare difference and are outta here, not a moment too soon.  We'll explain more later.

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