Monday, July 26, 2010

5 Borough Pub Crawl

Two days ago we participated in Amanda's 5 Borough Pub Crawl.  The idea is to visit a bar/pub in all five New York boroughs, or rather, to make it to Borough #5.  So, to begin the day off, everyone met at the Staten Island Ferry for a free ride from Manhattan to Staten Island.  After a tall boy on the ferry and some kind of raspberry wheat beer at a Staten Island pub, it was back on the ferry to head to Borough #2: Brooklyn. 

The pub at Borough #2 was my favorite!  It was decorated like a library/someone fancys living room with bocce ball in the back.  There were tons of couches and comfy chairs for all!  And the best part was the Kentucky beer cheese.  That's right... beer cheese.  The cheese has a texture somewhere between cheese whiz and hummus.  We were told that it is made with old beer and cheddar cheese.  Whatever the case, it is very tasty when eaten with the Ritz crackers that it's served with!
Borough #3 was our least favorite.  It is a large indoor and outdoor bar located in Queens called Studio Square.  Right when we got there we marveled at the potential - huge outdoor beer garden, stage for music, and large pitchers.  The potential was there, but it was beyond disappointing in the end.  When they check your id at the door, they also check your bag for food or drink because they don't allow you to bring in anything. We understand the reasoning behind all of that, however, they don't have a recycle bin for you to throw your bottles in!  They have an entire rubbish bin FULL of bottles (which happens every day) and they just throw them all away.  So, as you can imagine, Todd and I gave a little talking to the bouncer and the bartender about the benefits of recycling (and conscious thought).  They seemed to think we were crazy and maybe homeless.  It was almost as if they were proud that they didn't recycle.  So, spread the word everyone... Studio Square is too cool to recycle.

On our way home from the final borough, we encountered our first scammers.  We were in a super populated bar area in the West Village when two guys bumped into Todd and dropped a black plastic bag with some kind of bottle in it.  We kept walking since Todd had obviously tried to avoid the shoulder bump, but one of the guys came up behind us and started telling us that we needed to pay him for the bottle of Bacardi that "we helped to break".  We said no and tried to just keep walking, but the guy wouldn't give up.  He kept following us and started to get pretty obnoxious about the whole thing.  So, being that we had just left the final bar pretty drunk, Todd was a half a head taller than the guy, and Todd had coincidentally found a large wrench on the street at bar #4, Todd got in his face and threatened to "knock him the f*%$ out".  After a few more curse words and some warm-up movements with the wrench, the guy opted to find another couple to scam.  Don't worry Mom, I had Todd's back if he needed me.

We could blog more if we remembered anything about the rest of the boroughs.  Suffice it to say there were too many cabs, trains and beers to recount everything.

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