Monday, August 2, 2010


Dell'anima means "of the soul" in Italian. The reason we care is that we ate at one of Amanda's favorite restaurants and that's the name of it. It's a nice place in the west village with quite a rep. For many reasons, we were glad to have the company we did. In all there were five of us. Kristina, Todd, Amanda, Gayle, and Jim. Mom and Dad (Gayle and Jim) Sells are in NYC to see Amanda off in style. Amanda has spent the better part of a decade here and is heading off to warmer pastures on the west coast- so see her off in style we WILL!

Over the course of a couple hours, the five of us polished off more than a dozen over-priced (thanks Dad!), incredibly tasty, well prepared dishes and three (equally overpriced I'm sure) bottles of wine (again- thanks Dad!). When the waitstaff weren't haranguing us, we enjoyed ourselves, the dinner and the restaurant immensely. The place really is worth checking out. In the end though we had to exercise great discipline and decline the over-priced dessert and instead walk through the west village- memory lane for Amanda. On a temperate summer evening, a stroll through the west village is nothing short of "soul-soothing" especially when your destination is a gelato place called Grom. Take a look at the pic and see what I mean:

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