Saturday, September 18, 2010

On The Bowery

In an attempt to milk (possibly) our last Friday in NYC, at 9:40pm we decided to hurry to the Film Forum Theater on West Houston in Soho to catch the 10pm showing of On The Bowery.   The relatively short film was relatively "interesting".  It was a documentary style black and white film made in the fifties that told the story of some down-on-their-luck day-to-day workers looking to make enough to get drunk each night.  The interviews with the director that followed the film itself were particularly enlightening.  The director told how he cast actual men (drunks) living on the streets in the Bowery as his characters and used their lives as his story.  Coincidentally, our walk home included a couple blocks on Bowery where we encountered this graffiti filled wall and Todd couldn't deny this photo op.

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