Saturday, December 11, 2010

Peruvian Pisco

The popular drink in Peru is called the Pisco Sour.  It is made with a traditional Peruvian alcohol called Pisco, simple syrup, fresh lime juice, and egg whites.   Unfortunately, the drink is usually blended with ice (and Americans are not recommended to eat anything made with ice) so we have yet to sample it.  Todd keeps threatening and tonight is probably the night.  We even considered buying a bottle of Pisco from the supermarket and making the drink ourselves, but it's so similar to tequila, that Kristina thought better of buying 750ml of rocket fuel.  Plus, with a shelf stock like the one shown in the photo, how is anyone supposed to choose a bottle?!?

1 comment:

The Pisco Bible said...

If you guys want to try a Pisco Sour in Peru and are worried about the ice (although you sholdn't be in high-end places in Lima), then go to the Orient Express hotel in Miraflores. It caters almost exclusively to a foreign clientele so you will not remotely have a problem with quality. And, as far as Pisco being like tequila -- you must have tried some poor quality stuff. Pisco is quie distinct since it is made from grapes. When you are back in the US look for Macchu Pisco or La Diablada, they are the most highly prixed piscos made for the export market so very high quality Pisco. Salud!