Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"Propuesta Indecente"

A month or so ago, we watched the movie "Indecent Proposal" with Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson. It got us to thinking. For any job, either one of us could be asked/required to a) kiss b) be kissed c) grope d) be groped e) grind f)... you get the idea. We happened to have a long car ride ahead of us the next day so we were able to fully discuss the topic and all the different possibilities. For example, if the situation arose where one of us needed to be "professionally intimate" with another person would the stakes vary based on attractiveness, level of intimacy, or even gender? And if so, how would they change? Would the person not participating in the intimacy rather that their partner suffers, dislike, or be repulsed by the experience? Or would it be better if they didn't suffer, and maybe even had a pleasant experience? Would one or the other increase or decrease the stakes?
We bring this up because today I found myself genuinely sticking my nose in Todd's mouth to check and make sure that his breath was not offensive to the girl he was heading off to kiss at our casting. Given the stamp of approval, I sent him off with complete knowledge of what was about to occur in the room as we had just auditioned the scene ourselves. After a few minutes, the situation became more awkward when a statuesque brunette came out of the room apparently repulsed by what she had just endured in the audition room ( it was only later that I found out she had not kissed Todd, but the other male candidate). Assuming she had just made out with my boyfriend, I felt torn between defending his kissing ability and being happy that neither of them liked it. While I sat there contemplating, the other females awaiting their turn to audition began to engage me (the foreigner) in conversation. I couldn't help but size each of them up with their low-cut cut dresses, cleavage, and exotic features and accents.  As I continued my conversations with the other girls in the waiting room, I found that most of them had boyfriends/husbands and were as apprehensive about the scene requirements as I was.
It turns out that Todd did have to kiss one girl (not the one who was repulsed - Todd insists I mention again) but another Uruguayan, who happened to have a boyfriend of her own. The kissing ended up being mutually professional and the situation was surprisingly mundane, all things considered.  As it turns out, they actually discussed the movie "Indecent Proposal" before performing the scene.
It should be mentioned that prior to Todd and I auditioning together, he had to wait in the lobby while I was in the studio with the other male candidate. Todd, having been briefed on what the scene entailed, could only assume that I was in there kissing the guy that he had just befriended in the lobby.

Still interesting to us is the fact that this all occurred with absolutely no promise of any form of payment and that one of us may book the job without the other and need to spend an entire day getting the scene right for a still undisclosed amount of payment. Does the fact that there was no payment at the audition make the situation worse or better? Is an audition for some reason any different than an indecent proposal? If not, then why is it ok?

The two of us ended of booking the job together and will happily spend tomorrow kissing each other, however the questions remain...

1 comment:

D said...

You guys have representation in Uruguay? That is awesome. What's the shot for?