Friday, February 18, 2011

Goin to S. Africa BABY!

Hey All- a quick note to say that we are flying from Buenos Aires to Cape Town this weekend!  We know it's short notice but we're hoping that our blog can now begin its proactive/interactive phase.  For nearly nine months, we've been happily posting and occasionally hearing from some of you but mostly it's been us keeping everyone up to date with what we've done.  Now, since we're going to Cape Town (and we KNOW some of you have been there!)  we'd love to hear from any of you who have local knowledge, tips, warnings or stories BEFORE we go.  Please feel free to chime in with anything you think might be of interest/help to us.  We're thinkin' we'll be there for at least a month or two so you have some time but we'd love to get some emails or comments at some point!
The Management

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