Monday, August 9, 2010


We learned a few things on Saturday.
*In New York, like in Hawaii, if a Ginella (in this case Matt) invites you to a BBQ, you go.
*The Long Island RailRoad never goes over the pace of a brisk jog.
*On any given day, the weather/beaches can be as beautiful in the Hamptons as anywhere in the world.
Once we learned of Matt's bbq in the Hamptons, we promptly began investigating the best possible method of travel.  Our search pointed to the Long Island RailRoad (LIRR) which costs about $34 per person for a round trip ticket.  One downside to the LIRR is that there are only a few trains each day meaning that if you miss one, you could be S.O.L and must then pay a higher rate for a bus ride.  So, while noting the departure time of the appropriate trains, we bought our tickets and headed to the Hamptons.

After three hours of traveling no faster than a Wheego, we arrived in Bridgehampton where Matt Ginella whisked us away in his Audi convertible.  We were delivered to Gibson beach where we bumped the volleyball around, soaked up some rays, and enjoyed the shore break for a few hours.  The parking situation seemed very similar to a weekend at Waimea Bay however, instead of pushy locals following people to their cars to hold the space, there were impatient importants waiting in their air conditioned BMWs to confiscate the next possible parking stall.

Matt then transported us to the bbq (thanks again Matt for all the rides!!) where, in addition to cocktails, wine and beer, we enjoyed an impressive spread of sausages, hamburgers, grilled veggies, baked beans, corn on the cob, pasta salad, water melon, and pretzel m&ms.  We cannot go on without mentioning the creative talent Matt displayed by decorating the lawn with a flock of geese and a day bed for lounging.  It set a very comfortable/lakeside mood.  We are guessing that the croquet course got some use after we left.

The true highlight was the great mix of people.  There were journalists, a wind farm developer, a film festival producer, a restaurant consultant, you name it, and it seemed everyone was pretty well traveled and had much appreciated input on our future travel destinations.  Since we'd had a couple cocktails, please chime in everyone and refresh our memories on all of your great ideas!

Unfortunately, a Sunday morning appointment dictated that we catch the final 8:01pm departure on the LIRR.  At about 7:54pm (since we were 8 minutes away from the train station by car) we said our goodbyes.  Thanks to Branden and Morgan disregarding local traffic laws and Branden's multitasking iPhone and driving abilities, we made it to the train station with time to spare. 

Again, we are looking forward to hearing from all of you who said you'd be checking in!  Thanks again Matt et al.


Unknown said...

KT, Thank you for your spontaneity and spreading some Aloha Spirit. The North Shore has always been so good to me, it was my pleasure to share a little of the South Fork. You guys are an inspiration to all of us--to pack up and travel. However, most of us would pack up and travel to safe out there, and have fun. Hopefully I see you guys again before you leave New York.

Unknown said...

it was great meeting you guys at matt's bbq and hearing all about your adventures ... i have some good rec's for you, including a massage place in soho where your back will be walked on and you might actually cry, and pam wants to send you some tips for S.America, too. what's your email? safe travels! - lauren

ktwalkabout said...

It was great meeting you also! My email is and todd's email is We look forward to hearing from you guys and Todd can't wait to hear about the massage place!

Unknown said...

sent! hopefully it doesn't end up in your junk folder. leaving for hawaii on sunday AM yessss!