Sunday, September 26, 2010

The NYC to-do list grows shorter...

After much thought, we have decided to depart New York City and continue on our round-the-world adventure: next stop, Chicago, IL!  And after even more thought, we purchased Amtrak tickets and are preparing for our upcoming 19 hour train ride (yippee). 

Before we leave this amazing city which has become "home", there are places we wanted to revisit and things we wanted to check off our list.  So, we began today at a coffee shop called The Bean.  It is significant to us not only because it serves a great dirty chai (which is a chai tea latte with a shot of espresso) but also because it was our first stop in New York on June 1st.  We have never been disappointed and today was no different.
For our entertainment, we chose an off-Broadway play at Greenroom Theatre on 45 Bleeker Street.  We were lucky enough to see a play called Tales From The Tunnel and would highly recommend it to anyone who has spent between a couple days and a couple decades riding subways in the city.  It was an entertaining collection of vignettes of subway experiences.  The actors brought characters and caricatures to life routinely throughout the show and the stories rang true and were frequently funny for everyone in the audience.  It was plain for the entire audience to see the skill and the commitment of the actors because the venue was so intimate.

The NYC to-do list grows shorter...

Like we said, we are off to Chicago on Tuesday.  So if anyone has any recommendations, let us know!

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