Thursday, March 3, 2011

"You MUST get a car"?

We are LOVING Cape Town!  We found a great little one-bedroom cottage in Bantry Bay which is about 10 minutes away from downtown.  To get into town each day for castings, we generally take a "black taxi".  There are tons of them and we never have to wait more than a couple of minutes.  They're just 15 passenger vans that run various well-travelled routes around the city and surrounding subarbs.  We're frequently the only white people in the vans and they drive like bats outta hell stopping to drop people off or pick them up with no regard for other drivers, rules or driving etiquette!   They only cost 5 Rand (75 cents) no matter how far your ride and from what we can tell, they're THE FASTEST way to get around.  It's quite strange since even before our arrival, we've heard from tons of people that we "must get a car".

1 comment:

Richard said...

"other" people probably would nor ride with black people.